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Text vs Email Marketing: Which is Better?

Business Texting
2 min. read

Each day, your customers receive tens or even hundreds of emails, each one begging for their attention. The average office worker receives about 121 emails per day (and 49.7% of all email is SPAM). That’s a lot of email to wade through!

In today’s digital age, individuals have become so accustomed to having an overflowing inbox of demands, that many tune emails out completely.

If an email isn’t urgent, it can wait. The problem? Those emails rarely ever get revisited as more and more pile up.

So how does your business cut through the noise of email and get the attention of your customers?

Drop email for a text messaging strategy and never look back. We’re serious!

Texting vs Email Marketing: Why Your Business Needs Texting

Many businesses have weighed the pros and cons of emailing versus text messaging, and again and again they come to the same conclusion: text messaging not only gets (much) greater open rates, but better all-around engagement rates.

Texting vs Email Statistics

Here’s what the experts at Marketing Profs have to say:

Volume: 74 Trillion emails are sent each year whereas 8 Trillion texts are sent each year

Open Rates: Email open rates are 20% whereas SMS open rates are 98%

Response Rates: Email response rates are 6% whereas SMS response rates are 45%

Response Time: It takes the average person 90 minutes to respond to an email versus 90 seconds to respond to a text message

95% of all text messages are read within 90 seconds (most are read in under 5 seconds)

Text vs Email, Which is more Effective?

The above metrics are astounding, but they may still leave you wondering what it is about text messaging that makes it so much more effective than email.

For starters, text messages are usually brief and to-the-point, allowing recipients to quickly read them in real-time, regardless of where they are or what time it is (though we believe it’s important to respect your customers and text only during daylight hours).

Additionally, people generally can see a text sooner than they would an email because of the way it immediately shows up on a mobile phone through the text application.

Finally, getting responses is much easier when it comes to text messaging, because brevity is not only acceptable, it’s appreciated!

Business trends are quickly leaning into texting as the most valuable way to communicate with customers and prospects.

When should you use each one?

While texting is by far the more effective communication channel, there are a couple uses for email that remain worthwhile.

Use email for anything that you feel your customers would NOT want to receive over text message. This could be a newsletter, account updates, etc.

Additionally, you can combine email and text message to put additional touch points on certain campaigns. While texting will be the biggest factor in drawing success, a well-planned email campaign also can add some value.

Ready to Start Texting?

If you’re wondering how texting can change the way you do business, the answer is it will help you get far greater open, response, and engagement rates!

Want to learn more about text-based consumer engagement? The experts at Kenect are happy to help. Schedule your call today!

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