Customers Can Now Pay-Over-Time

Kenect is now offering a pay-over-time option for payments up to $10,000. This allows your customer to pay in installments, but you get your money right away.

Pay Over Time hero screenshot


Give your customers the option to buy now and pay over time using the payments feature in the Kenect platform.

Option to Pay Later

Customers Can Buy Now Pay Later

Instead of having to pay the whole invoice all at once, customers now have the option to pay over time through the Kenect platform.

Request a Payment

Send Customers an Invoice

When you are ready to send customers an invoice, simply hit the payments icon in the Kenect Platform to send the customer a link.

Customer Chooses

Offering Pay-Over-Time

Once the customer has the link, they can choose to pay it all at once by entering their credit card information, or apply for the pay-over-time option.

Get Paid

You Get Paid Right Away

Once the customer is approved for pay over time, they can choose how many months they would like to make payments. The best part is you get paid RIGHT AWAY!

Buy Now, Pay Later

Customer Chooses Payment Options

With this feature of Kenect Payments, the customer can choose to pay over time instead of all at once. This will encourage them to make affordable choices and ensure you get the sale.

30-Second Online Application Process

Once a customer chooses to Pay Over Time, they will go through a 30-second online application process. No hard credit check and no tough questions.

Get Paid Right Away

After a customer is approved and chooses their monthly payments, you get paid right away, without having to hound customers.

Flexible Payment Plans

With this feature, customers are offered a flexible 3 to 18 month payment plan, where they can choose how long they want their payments to go. They choose what works for them. There are even interest free options.

Request a Demo
Spread Out Payments

Offer Customers Payment Options

Offer your customers a way to pay for services over time instead of all at once.


of Americans can’t cover a $400 expense.


average ticket size increase by offering customers a Pay-Over-Time option.


of customers to apply are approved.


seconds is all it takes to apply online for Pay-Over-Time.

“To me, Kenect Payments is about increasing customer confidence and empowering your sales people… It’s fantastic. I wouldn’t want to go back to not having it.”

Aaron Darby
Finance Manager - Byron Powersports

Allow Customer to Pay-Over-Time

Rather than risk a sale, offer customers an option to buy now and pay later. They can jump on a payment plan, and you get paid.

Pay Overtime call to action screenshot